
So who was Charlotte Mason anyway?

Posted by Jacqui Herrmann on

So who was Charlotte Mason anyway?

You may have heard many homeschooling parents mention the "Charlotte Mason method" or they use a curriculum that is "Charlotte Mason inspired". So who was this lady anyway? Charlotte Mason was a British educator and reformer who lived in the second half of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century. She trained to be a teacher and taught for many years in the schools of England, which were very class-biased at the time, teaching trades to poorer children and teaching fine arts and literature to the richer classes. During this time, Charlotte started developing a vision of a generous...

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TIP #1: Narration - Beginner Guide to Charlotte Mason

Posted by Jacqui Herrmann on

TIP #1: Narration - Beginner Guide to Charlotte Mason

You can easily bring Charlotte Mason methods into your child's schooling by using the method of narration. This method can be used whether your child is attending school or being educated at home.  Narration is a powerful technique that allows your child to take what they've read and turn it into their own words, helping them to recall it again later. In a nutshell it is "telling back". After carefully reading a short passage just once, your child closes the book and tells you about what they've just read. It shouldn't be just a parrot fashion recall of facts. Rather your child should...

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